Sunday, Adam wanted to Jones County for the Battle of Griswoldville Civil War reenactment. If you have ever seen the movie, Sweet Home Alabama, with Reese Witherspoon, it is JUST like that. The battle lasted 45min and it was LOUD, canons and guns going off like crazy. I did learn a lot...for example 700+ Confederate soldiers died at the Battle of Griswoldville and only 23 Yankee's died. Whenever a Yankee was "killed" in the reenactment the spectators would cheer, it was a funny thing.
Sunday night we had our very first wedding shower/party. It was thrown by my two roommates (Kris & Lyndell) Adams co-worker (Kendall) and a Macon friend of ours (Ryan). We had SUCH a great time!!! All of my co-workers came and a majority of Adams came and both our families were there. I did stress a little because I felt like I was not doing a good job of remembering who had met who and introducing people. It was a lovely, lovely, lovely shower. I cannot say enough good things about it and the people that threw it including the Hattaway family (Kris' parents) made the food (low country boil) along with amazing cheese grits and Lyndells mom made some fantastic cole slaw. Adam and I both appreciate it. We have been SO blessed. The one thing that we do not have a shortage of in our lives is friends.
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