keeping up with Kinney

keeping up with Kinney

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Being a local "Maconite"

I KNEW the time would come that I would start slacking off on the "blogging." The truth is is that my life is not that interesting. However after a span of about 2 weeks I finally have some things to write about. Now, where to start?

A couple of weekends ago Adam and I had two college friends come down and visit us in Macon. It was supposed to be 4 of our friends, but two whimped out because of the snow. Which by the way was beautiful, but I am over winter and ready for warm :) Our friends spent Valentines weekend with us. Adam and I have never been big on Valentines day. It is a waste of money. I know every day that I breath that he loves me and we do not need a "special" day created by Hallmark to reconfirm that for us.

Adam did surprise me with a little gift though. He got me...are you ready for this...Latisse! That's right the medicine that makes your eyelashes grow longer and thicker. If you know me you know I love my mascarra and I already have fairly long eyelashes, but I have been wanting to try the stuff and see if it really works. Needless to say I was surprised when I unwrapped my Valentines gift. Adam can reallllly crack me up sometime!

This past weekend was a VERY busy weekend for Adam and I. I had spent the work week sick and exhausted. I had a miserable cold that prevented me from sleeping the entire week. So when Adam told me I had to be up at 6am and ready by 7am on Saturday I could have passed out! Adam had a family friend that was showing her cow/heffer at the Perry National Fair and her first "show" was a little after 8. Perry is about a 45min drive from Macon so we were up bright and EARLY Saturday to that we could see those cows and pigs strut their stuff!

But Perry was not the only thing on our agenda for Saturday. We headed to Athens on the search for "our" wedding band. We left Macon around 6:30 drove to Athens, did some dancing and drinking in Athens and then drove BACK to Macon arriving around 2am in the morning. Adam and I had promised each other that we would go to church that Sunday (so that is why we made the long drive to Macon after listening to the bands)

THEN Sunday we went to Ingleside Baptist Church. It was our first time going to a church together here in Macon. The Church itself is HUGE!!!! We were so lost, we had no idea where to go so we followed the mass of people in hopes of finding where we were supposed to be!
Once we found some seats and sat down I cracked open our Church bullentin and right there smack dab in the middle of the bullentin was an "ad" for a newly engaged/newly married class every Sunday at 5. The first class was that night. I pointed it out to Adam and we were there at 5pm sharp! We had a great time. I am reallllllly looking forward to getting to know all of the other couples in our class. I know that God directed us towards the class and that we were meant to be there and to be in the class :)

So the question that I am getting fairly regularly is "What wedding planning do you have done yet?" Well, this is what I have done now as of Feb 24, 2010. We have bridesmaids/groomsmen, a venue, a rental place, bridesmaid dresses ARE picked out (they just need to know that :) haha, and I am VERY happy with them), we have a photographer, and NOW a band for the reception! I think we're doing pretty dog gone good!

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