October 23, 2010 was a gorgeous day (especially weather wise). Everything exceded my
expectations. My Mama worked SO HARD to make sure that this wedding was EVERYTHING that we wanted and she made it MORE than what we ever anticipated. I believe that she may have found her true calling, wedding planning. She would call me up and say, "Lauren, what jewelry do you want the bridesmaids to wear?" I told her I wanted pearl necklaces....30min later "Lauren, I am at Macy's and they have a 2 different pearl necklace & earring sets, which one do you like better?" I would say (whichever one) and we would hang up. The next time I came home she had BOTH sets for me to SEE (instead of hearing her describe them over the phone) and I
picked which I liked best and she went out and bought 6 sets. She would buy millions of ribbions and wait for me to come home and pick out which ribbons. She scouted out bands to play at our reception. I would receive daily emails about wedding details. She HANDMADE my garter and handkerchief for my bouquet to add special and sentimental touches. She also handmade flip flops for the bridesmaids. Our cake topper was actually the same cake topper my parents used on their wedding cake 25 years ago. These few things that I have listed do not even being to describe the labor and love that she put into "that day". She was super woman and our wedding would have never as been as beautiful as it was without her. I love you sooooooooooooo much Mama and I hope that I am half the mom (one day) that you are to me and Kristen. And of course thank you Daddy for being patient and giving up the koozie battle :) I love you too!
It's crazy to believe that we have spent the past 9 months planning our "big day" and it has come and gone. We are married and happy, but DO NOT mistake us for an old married couple...we're still fun :)

To be honest I do not remember much about the wedding. I actually had a mini break down about a week ago because people would talk to me about the wedding and I could only recall about 10% of what they told me simply because that night is a blur in my memory. Everyone told me to make sure that I slow down and take it all in because it will fly by and geez were they right. I THOUGHT I was but I guess that it is simply impossble to slow down once it all gets started. It really really really upset me that I could not recall everything from that night. I cried for a good 45 minutes. It just hurt because I WANT to remember. I can tell you EVERYTHING about the night that we got engaged and more importantly I could tell you how it made me FEEL....I know Adam thought I was crazy and he pointed out to me that when I see the photos and the wedding video that I will remember everything. All this week I have been going through facebook albums and just smiling to myself because he was right. If I do say so myself...that reception was FUN and the FOOD was fantastic!!! OH THAT CAKE WAS HEAVEN!!!
One thing that I do remember without the help of photos or video...we had one FINE looking bridal party!!!! Everyone and I do mean EVERYONE looked beautiful and handsome (I am including the wedding singer, flower girls and ring bearer). Adam and I love all of yall SO MUUUUUUCH. You all honestly have no idea. We are so so so so so so BLESSED to have such wonderful friends in our lives.

Now, we are looking forward. Holidays are on the horizon, a time for family and friends and our first Thanksgiving and Christmas together. I know I have said this already but we are blessed...extremly blessed. I look forward to us owning our first house, having children (down the road). I know Adam will make a fantastic dad and so far he has proven to be a great husband.
Thank you to everyone for the wedding wishes, congrats and advice. Thank you to everyone that attended the wedding...we had several make the drive from Macon and one that flew in from Orlando, FL. Simply put, "Life is Good."
I'm so happy for y'all! We decided not to have a video of the ceremony and I wish I had. I tell people there's no telling what I agreed to that day because I sure don't remember it!