I took an all girls trip back at the beginning of June with Deana and my sister Kristen. It was SO MUCH fun! It is defiantly a trip that we will remember...and please do not get me started on the AWFUL hotel we stayed in while we were in Savannah/Tybee...just take my advice NEVER
EVER, EVER, EVER stay in Masters Inn...unless you would like to have a disease. None the less we enjoyed every minute of our boy free weekend :) I also, really enjoyed getting to hangout with my baby sister. We of course have always been sisters, but not AS close as some sisters are...we are just very different. But, Kristen has recently fallin head over heels in love (or infatuated) whatever it is has changed her attitude for sure. They say your "other half" should make you a better person and he really does bring out the best in her. She smiles and laughs like I haven't seen her do in years. She is giving, sharing, and usually sunny side up happy. She has been a true pleasure to spend time with!!! She has FINALLY decided to take the next big step and move out of the house! Woo Hoo (SO PROUD OF HER) The guy she is dating has family all down in south GA and he is moving to south GA when he gets back from New Zealand (He is over sea's studying a new method of farming cows. He plans to bring this method back to south GA). Anyways, I know that she will not be far from me if she ever needs anything and our cousin, Nick starts at Valdosta University this fall...so if she ever needs family she will not have to go too far. She is in such a happy place in her life and it makes me want to burst!!!! :)

This year for my birthday I wanted to do something fun. While snooping around on facebook I

SO, for Fathers Day I got my sweet Daddy 4 tickets to the live show, "Paula Deen and the Real Women of Philadelphia," a cooking/recipe contest. It has been YEARS since my parents have been to the beautiful city of Savannah! I was so excited to show them Forsyth Park where I got engaged, River Street and do some antiquing! June 30th was the day of the show, we had a great time. Not living at home has certainly given me a greater appreciation for family time. We always laugh and cut up and have such a great time, Savannah was no exception.
For the 4th of July Adam and I packed up with Brian & Deana Mathes' into their NEW SUV and headed south to Tybee and Savannah. It was a relaxing weekend! We spent our first day lounging on the beach, then dinner at the famous Pirates House, fireworks on Riverstreet (with ALL of Savannah), and THEN I FINALLY got to go on a ghost tour of Savannah!!!!!!!!!!! I have been begging Adam to go on one for years! The next day we took our time touring
For the 4th of July Adam and I packed up with Brian & Deana Mathes' into their NEW SUV and headed south to Tybee and Savannah. It was a relaxing weekend! We spent our first day lounging on the beach, then dinner at the famous Pirates House, fireworks on Riverstreet (with ALL of Savannah), and THEN I FINALLY got to go on a ghost tour of Savannah!!!!!!!!!!! I have been begging Adam to go on one for years! The next day we took our time touring
Savannah and the beach bummed it until it was time to go home. We had no plans and no where to be we were enjoying good company and life...it felt great :)

ON the wedding front, it is all coming together (and beautifully, might I add). I took a personal day off at work to get a WHOLE bunch of wedding things completed. Invitations are picked out, my shoes are ordered, bridesmaids from dresses, shoes, jewelry and bouquets are ALL done, table linens, center pieces, flower girl dresses, chairs and tables ordered and songs for the ceremony are allllllllllllllllllllll picked out. I can see the whole picture of how it is all going to work out now...and let me tell ya' folks...it feels GREAT!!!! We're getting closer to that special day! Only a 107 days to go!!!! Oct 23, 2010 is just around the corner!
On another note, there has been something heavy weighing in my heart. And within the last week it has come bursting through. I do not believe that some people realize how hurtful their actions are (in many more ways than one). I need some things to change. I pray that God can grant me the wisdom and courage to fix the heaviness.
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