Monday, March 1, 2010

Another Wedding Nightmare

Isn't it funny how the brain works sometimes?! For example, this weekend Adam and I did ZERO wedding planning....we never even talked about the wedding...unless someone asked a question about it. And last night I had a terrible wedding nightmare. I could understand if I was stressing about something or worried about something, but I do not feel that I am at the stage of "crunch" time where I should be freaking out and worrying about every tiny detail. In my dream we were getting married in a HUGE Church/auditorium. Our REAL wedding is an outside wedding. But what had my heart pounding and waking me up was the fact that the wedding was supposed to start around 5:30 but no one EVER showed up to fix my hair or anything. And I want my hair to be perfect the day I get married. I have NEVER had a hair doo for prom or homecoming that I have EVER liked...they have all turned out terrible and I would throw a temper tantrum and cry. For ONCE I would love to have a hair style up or down that I love! I am not asking for the hair to stay perfect for forever, but PLEASE last through wedding pictures :) SO ANYWAYS, it had my heart pounding and blood flowing...I remember in my dream wanting to know what time it was and I was told that it was 8 o'clock...I just knew all the guest were gone and my wedding was over. There was a lot of running around and screaming and fighting in this dream. It seriously woke me up. I am crossing my fingers and toes that nothing like this would REALLY happen!

1 comment:

  1. OMG! Don't get all worked up over that girl!! Your wedding is going to be PERFECT! And I completely understand about the hair!! Mine doesn't hold a curl to save MY LIFE...but it did the day of our wedding with like a whole can of hair spray and lots of bobby pins! ( I wore my hair down)It did great through the pix and the wedding and didn't start coming out until we were at the airport!! Everything will all work out and it will be okay!! Don't get your blood pressure up!! Take a deep breath and remember everything will be okay!
