Friday, January 29, 2010

Wrestling----Bridal Show

Today started out as a "typical" Lauren day. I had to be at work 30min early for a marketing meeting...but don't you worry my alarm did not go off. Thank goodness I heard Lyndell up getting ready for work! I jumped out of bed yelling "What time is it?" Lyndell said "6:36"

Wheeeeew I was so far only 6min behind (I had set my alarm for 6:30)

It doesn't matter that I got up in enough time...WHAT IF I hadn't heard Lyndell up and getting ready?!?! I would have been late for my very first "important" meeting. And THANK GOODNESS I pre-ordered breakfest at Chick-fil-a...all I had to do was swing by and pick it up on my way to work.

Just incase you were wondering the meeting was wonderful! I meet some great people they ranged from the hospital, to the Telegraph (the Middle Georgia newspaper), to bank presidents, to the Cherry Blossom (my personal favorite :) )

The rest of my day has been laid back...I've been surfing the web for some wedding ideas and apartment hunting.

BUT the rest of my weekend is very busy. Adam and I are going to visit some photographers Saturday day and his family is coming Saturday night for WWE funny is that? Adam's dad, Mr.Doug, is a huge wrestling fan. So for Christmas Adam bought him tickets to see the event LIVE. I know Mr.Doug is so excited...and I am a little interested to see how "these" folks get down :)

Then Adam and I have to head to Athens Sunday for our first Bridal Show. At first I did not want to go. I have in my mind what I want...BUT I want the full Bridal experience so I feel that I need to go to at least ONE Bridal Expo!!!

Poor Adam I am dragging him along....but I want it to be "our" decisions NOT just mine. Everyone keeps saying "it's your day, you should have what YOU want" but I feel like it's "OUR" day and I want what "WE" want. And I am lucky that we both want a lot of the same things...Thank goodness we're on the same page. The bridal festivites start at 12:20 so it will be a day loooooong event. I am sure Monday I will have plenty to report after such an eventful weekend.

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