Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wedding Nightmare

I got the offical "ok" from my boss this Monday to have the week after Oct 23, 2010 off for our honeymoon. Until Monday I was just "browsing around" looking at wedding "things" but now that we have an OFFICIAL date we are working with...I am feeling the pressure to make this wedding everything Adam and I both want and for the guest to think it is as beautiful as we do.

Last night I had my first wedding nightmare. It woke me up, I was that terrified. E-V-E-R-Y-T-I-N-G fell apart...from the bridesmaids to groomsmen, to the cake to the venue. Im pretty positive that the guy I was marrying wasn't even Adam. (you know how dreams are...crazy).

There are a few things that Adam and I KNOW we want for the wedding. We're going for "southern" we want an outside venue with a big plantation house and we want plenty of room for guests to dance the night away. I know both families are very excited. Im surprised how much my Daddy is getting into it. (that makes me happy) I like for everyone to feel included.

Im sure that last night was just the first of many worrying dreams to come...but for now they are JUST dreams...that cross your fingers will NOT come true :)

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