Saturday we had planned a l-a-z-y day. We slept in and then headed to Brian and Deana Mathes' swimming pool. Deana met us there but the laziness that had been planned did not last long :) As soon as Deana arrived she had a question for us, "Would y'all like to go to the Celebrity

Sunday came and we had Tyler's (one of Adams new co-workers, weekend weatherman and reporter) cook out party on lake Sinclair. They day started off a tad rough because I got a little ill with Perry (one of Adams co-workers, a "videographer" he is known for his crude and silly sense of humor). He was late getting home from church and it put us ALL behind (Deana and Brian rode with us because they had to leave early like us for a business dinner) Anyways, the ill-ness didn't last long because you really cannot stay mad at Perry for long (even though he NEVER owned up to putting us about 30-40 minutes behind schedule). I bought potato salad, made chocolate chip cookies and a TON my popular bacon & ranch dip to take to Tyler's. The dip did not make it to Tyler's because we forgot it in the fridge and needless to say I was a little upset about it. (but I am going to save it and take it camping with us this coming up weekend, so it was not a total loss). Tyler lives in a beautiful house on the lake! We had a wonderful time, but unfortunately like I mentioned earlier we had to leave the fun early because Adam and I had our nearly and newly engaged Sunday school class at 5.
We finished with our Sunday school class around 6:30, changed and took Adams sweet chocolate lab to the park for some exercise. It was beautiful weather and we just enjoyed some time relaxing outside and watching her play. We finished up our weekend watching the ACM awards and a Movie. I HATE when Monday comes. Lucky for Adam he off until Wednesday...I am a tad jealous :)
Next weekend will be a NEW adventure for me...Adam and I are going camping with Brian and Deana! I can't wait! I am sure it will be a blast!
I want that Bacon Ranch dip recipe! Those are two of my favorite things!!