Thursday, October 25, 2012

Cribs, cribs, cribs...I swear I am not crazy, just pregnant

I tell you what...I may be the MOST indecisive person EVER. 99% of the time I know what I DON'T like but when it comes to finding what I DO like, my head spins with a million options and I just can't pinpoint exactly what I want. Does that make sense? If you show me something that I think is ugly...and I know without a doubt that it is ugly I can tell you in a heartbeat. But other than's all up in the air.

With all that said there is only one thing left to say...poor Adam.

When I found crib bedding that I liked Adam automatically said, ORDER IT. He knew I would drive myself crazy looking, re-looking, double checking and going into every store making sure that it was the one that I liked the best. Not that I am looking for the most spectacular thing out there...I just didn't/don't want a lot a pink...and let's face it, MOST baby girl things are pink, pink, pink. I want girly and feminine...just not pink.

This past weekend my parents took Adam and me to Atlanta to pick out our crib, as their big gift to us...(little did they know (or us) that they would be picking up the tab on the glider too!). You would think finding a bed would be simple, I sure did. But after looking at dark woods, white, off white, wide rails, thin rails, curved backs, straight backs, sleigh bed style, one's that go all the way to the floor, one's that turn in to toddler beds, crib and changer combos...I was throwing my hands up in the air, as if to surrender and say, they all serve the same purpose, a place to sleep, I don't care. It didn't take too long before tears of confusion (I thought I knew what I wanted) and frustration started rolling down my cheeks. Now, before you get too carried away with your imagination, I was not hysterical...just frustrated and feeling slightly crazy. My parents weren't surprised...they know I've been this way my whole life. Everyone banned together to coax me out of my delirium of baby beds. But poor, sweet, sweet Adam...he tried so hard the rest of the day to comfort me and put my mind at ease. However, him acting as the "gender police" (everythingggggggggg has to work for a girl as WELL as a boy...for future purposes) didn't put me at ease, but after my mini cry-baby session he backed off (slightly).

Eventually, we picked out a crib (and glider that I am SO stoked about) enjoyed a nice lunch in ATL complete with some baby clothes shopping. But even after all of that, I have changed my mind one LAST time about the crib...which will be news to my parents, I PROMISE Mama and Daddy this will be the last time!!! My mind is made up and set in stone (Adam has laid the law down, haha).

So, I write all of this to's time to start looking at paint choices for the nursery. Say a little prayer for Adam, he may need it dealing with me :)

As a side note...we are officially 6 months along! Here is the most recent "baby bump" picture taken last weekend.
Notice the lady in the portrait behind me. That's Mrs. Reba Kinney Hammond, Adam's grandmother that our Kinney is named after.


  1. Lol the line about the "gender police" cracked me up...haha. Bless your heart!!!

    Good thing is: Kinney will love and sleep I'm whatever you pick!

  2. The last crib on the page is the same one Avery had. But just remember, safety comes before cutesy-or at least that was big thing. Wanting to make sure any crib I got was up to standards on safety.


    1. No can't buy brand new a crib that isn't safe. However...we all survived in our "death trap" cribs from the 80's haha

    2. Very true friend!

      Also, I nominated you for the Liebster Blog award. Check out my post from today.
