Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Beale St. where we celebrated NYE. It was NUTS! This picture was taken earlier in the evening and does not do it justice!!!
It is officially 2012 and Adam has claimed this a "Year of Fun!"...he hasn't really said why but maybe because 2011 was a year of "a lot of work and change" for him (us). So, here it is and this is what I have to say about it {Dear past, Thank you for your lessons. Dear future, I am ready. Dear God, Thank you for another chance!}
Our Traditional Southern, New Years Day lunch, I made. Black eyed peas, greens, pork loin, corn bread and rice.  We had some cobbler with vanilla ice cream after :)
New Year Resolutions: They tend to be "healthy" resolutions involving gyms and such...but not for me. I know that outside/physical appearances can be important...but I am wanting to aim for something a little deeper. I am going to make sure that my HAPPINESS starts with me! I tend to let people (no one(s) in particular, just in general) REALLY get me down and get inside my head...and by doing so I get my feelings hurt A LOT. But NO MORE! I work really really really hard to be a positive person...and if there is one thing I CANNOT stand it is a "Negative Nancy". I strongly believe in the power of positive speaking, "speak it in to being".

So, the quest to be MORE positive and weed out the negative started Sunday! I believe this will lead to a happier/healthier self and happier/healthier relationships (hopefully)...because after all my ALL TIME FAVORITE QUOTE is..."Happy girls ARE the PRETTIEST girls!"  and CHEERS to being "Ray Charles to the BS!" 
By the way: I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas! Adam and I were able to make the long journey home to be with Family. It was way way way way way too quick and we were extremely exhausted but it was worth every second we spent on the road and every minute of sleep we lost :)
Ridiculous Christmas Eve Games
And I hope everyone had a wonderful and SAFE NYE!!!!
The in-laws made a trip to visit Memphis after Christmas
Liz made it to Memphis to ring in the New Year with us!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Cute blog! And I love the name ;)
