Thursday, October 13, 2011



When I think of classic 80's cult movies I think of: Pretty in Pink, Sweet Sixteen, Back to the Future, The Breakfast Club, Star Wars, When Harry Met Sally, Christmas Vacation, Ferris Bullers Day Off, The Goonies, and of course FOOTLOOSE! (the actual list of 80's movies is never ending...but you catch my drift). The remake of the quintessential 80's movie is coming out in theaters TODAY!!! And get PUMPED because it is AWESOME!

It's funny that I have never seen the original Footloose (well maybe not that funny considering it came out before I was born (1984) I graced this world with my presence in 1986) anyways...I never saw the movie (until this week) but knew all the songs: "Let's Hear it for the Boy," "Almost Paradise," "Holding out for a Hero," (the new footloose version is MUCH better) and of course the famous "Footloose". I've always loved movies that are musicals, although technically Footloose is not a musical (EVEN THOUGH in 1998 it was adapted into a broadway musical). So, when Adam and I had the chance to go to a private screening of the remake (where the director Craig Brewer hosted a Q&A session) I was beside myself EXCITED!!!

Original Footloose Trailer 1984
Remake Footloose 2011

STORYLINE (ORIGINAL)- but basically the remake
Classic tale of teen rebellion and repression features a delightful combination of dance choreography and realistic and touching performances. When teenager Ren and his family move from big-city Chicago to a small town in the West, he's in for a real case of culture shock. Though he tries hard to fit in, the streetwise Ren can't quite believe he's living in a place where rock music and dancing are illegal. There is one small pleasure, however: Ariel, a troubled but lovely blonde with a jealous boyfriend. and a Bible-thumping minister, who is responsible for keeping the town dance-free. Ren and his classmates want to do away with this ordinance, especially since the senior prom is around the corner, but only Ren has the courage to initiate a battle to abolish the outmoded ban and revitalize the spirit of the repressed townspeople. Fast-paced drama is filled with such now-famous hit songs as the title track and "Let's Hear It for the Boy."

The remake follows the exact original storyline...some lines (most) are verbatim from the first Footloose. For someone like me, I like the fact that Craig Brewer (director of the remake) stuck true to the original. Fast facts about Craig Brewer- he has family in Memphis (Collierville to exact) he spent his summers living with his grandparents, so that's how Memphis gets special screenings of his movies. He also directed the movie, Hustle & Flow. The film won an Oscar for Best Original Song by Three 6 Mafia (from Memphis) "It's Hard Out Here For a Pimp."
My signed poster by the director Craig Brewer
I would say the biggest difference between the original and the remake is not done in that horrid 80's style and the dancing is MUCH better! Also, the remake has more humor...funny, funny one liners comin' atcha!

The location of the movie changes as well and I must say for the best...the original takes place somewhere in the midwest (not sure of the exact location) the new one takes place in GEORGIA!!! The town name stays the same "Bomont" (not a real place). One of my favorite lines come from Willard (Ren- the main characters sidekick) "Orange, orange?...I don't wear orange. I am not a Tennessee Fan, I am a BULLDAWG." ---watch the movie and you will know what I am talking about :)  LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT! 
Ren and Willard meeting for the first time
I was even inspired by Footloose---I've wanted some red boots for quite some time, but after I saw Ariel (played in the remake by Julianne Hough) stomping around in her's I HAD to get me a pair!!! LOVE'EM!!!! 

I adore this movie (the remake more so than the original) and don't get me wrong there are more differences between the two (other than the location) but it's the SAME story...which in my opinion is AWESOME!!! My FAVORITE movie is, "The Blind Side," and it was before we moved to Memphis (where The Blind Side is based) FOOTLOOSE is now up there with it!!! It just makes me want to go all country...pull out  my boots, start stomping the ground and shaking my Luke Bryan would say "Country girl shake it for me!" 

The remake drops in theaters tomorrow...if you go, let me know what you think!!!! Even if you hate it :)

Oh, and here is a fun little tid bit (in case you didn't already know) the movie wasn't the only thing remade...the title song, "Footloose," by Kenny Loggins is redone by country singer/superstar Blake Shelton...Although, I have to go with the original on this...Blake just doesn't do it justice. 

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