Wednesday, September 28, 2011

WIWW---not really...

I wasn't going to post a WIWW blog for this week because I did not take any pictures OTHER THAN (as Deana kindly noted) the pictures that we took Saturday at the Ga vs. Ole Miss game.
Ga vs. Ole Miss Football Game
Red Cardigan- Target
One shoulder Black/White polka dot dress- The Limited (Adam so 
sweetly bought it for me...just because. Isn't that the best?!?)
Red flats (not pictured)- Target

And that's all folks! 

There is something that I want to get off my chest. The first half of this week has been ROUGH! I think I have had my first real emotional "I MISS HOME" outburst. I want to clarify, I LOVE Memphis. WE love Memphis! But I am really missing friends and fam. It's the hardest when I want to do things that either a man doesn't do or due to Adams work schedule he isn't able to do. I can't pick up the phone and say..."Hey! Carrie Underwood is coming LEH GO!" and that friend be able too. NO, instead it would require that friend to plan a trip, book a flight, take days off work etc, etc, etc. because they ALL live in GA. Adam tried his darndest to comfort me last night. People say, "join groups/churches" and I've done that but that brings along another set of problems.  Friendship circles have already been established and you are the outsider trying to break through (although I am not going to stop trying). It also doesn't help that everyone I work with is significantly older than me and the same applies to Adam (although I LOVE all my coworkers). I know all will work out and EVENTUALLY we will make "friends". I mean, after all...we are nice, we like to have fun and we enjoy people. But right now it's just Adam and me. He's the greatest, he really is. I thank God that we enjoy spending time together because we are getting LOTS of quality time. I know my emotional break down doesn't sound like much but trust was much more dramatic in the heat of the the midst of me really really REALLY missing everyone. But I am missing that lady companionship.                  
(and my heart always will)

However, THAT was yesterday...I am still frowning a little over it today BUT it is time to turn that frown upside down.

Today...what am I wearing??? a SMILE. Because this crazy little thing called life goes on. (friends or no friends) ;)


  1. I love you, sweet girl! :) Just rest assured that all your friends and family miss you just as much (if not MORE) than you miss us. It'll just make the times we do spend together that much more precious!

  2. Hey not ALL of your friends are in GA ;)
    And I know yall will make friends soon enough, I mean you both are pretty amazing! And are always fun to be around :) Miss you chica <3

  3. just saw your comment. im sorry, i thought i said i was coming to memphis- guess i wasnt clear!

    you look adorable!! and im sorry you're missing your ga friends... you have such an outgoing personality, i am sure you will have lots of friends up there soon. hope youre feeling better now.
