Tuesday, September 6, 2011

DIY --- Necklace holder

After a crazy busy BUT absolutely fun and amazing weekend with my parents doing ALLLLLLLLLLL things Memphis, I had the hankering to get down and crafty with my Labor Day! I have recently really gotten into the big necklaces and the bigger and chunkier the better. (Until recently I've been a basics kinda girl: studs, wedding ring...if I got crazy dangling earrings lol) But now I am loving my BIG watch, bangles AND necklaces. So, needless to say my necklaces needed a home...other than the kitchen table, bottom of my purse, bathroom counter...etc.
This is what I made...SUPER easy :)
What I started with. A towel rod (18inches), a frame from the dollar store, screenwire, shower curtain hooks and spray paint. From some reason I was just really digging the caribbean blue & fire engine red

My finished project

Crafting just makes me happy. It's something I love to do with no explanation :)

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.


  1. How cute!!! I'm inspired to make one! :)

  2. Love this Lauren! BTW...I'm following your blog. MAY need to recreate this (this weekend!)

