Thursday, July 21, 2011

Does it work? --- "Just Bitten" Revlon lipstain + Balm

WARNING! --- this blog post is even a little TOOOOO up close and personal for me but I couldn't think of a better way (visually) to present the outcome of this product. And yes, I am aware that my bottom lip is a little chapped. The lip stain tends to dry out your lips.

While watching TV one evening I saw this commercial:

After seeing it I thought to myself, "I wonder if that really works?"  How often do you show up for work (or a date) looking all fresh and sexy, lipstick and lip gloss perfectly applied and then throughout the day the shiny gloss no longer exists and all you have left are reminisces of what USED to be lipstick clinging to bits of your lips? Could Revlon: "Just Bitten" be an ultimate beauty secret?

I pushed this thought to the back of my mind but it came out swinging with curiosity when I saw it on display at a local Wal-Mart. I contemplated all the color's, I picked it up, read the description, carried it around for awhile while grocery shopping, decided I didn't need it, put it back down and then ultimately the forethought, "I wonder if it really works?" came flooding back again and I caved in and bought the product.

I took one day out of my life to document the "staying power," of the product. I did NO retouching of the lip stain thoughout the day.
I used the color "Passion"

naked lips at 8am

8:30 am pre work
Lip stain only (left photo). Balm applied on top of stain (right photo)

After lunch 12:40 pm
You can see that the color is starting to wear off BUT it is still there and not all rubbed off like it would be with lipstick. And I had a FULL lunch and even breakfast (cereal) between the 8:30 photo
and this one)
Lip stain only (left photo). Balm applied on top (right photo)

 5 pm leaving work, 8 1/2 hours after the lip stain was applied.
You can see it is really starting to rub off on the bottom lip. The top is too but it is more so on the bottom lip.
(left lip stain only) (right gloss balm applied on top)

I have thought to myself, "If I used a hotpink highlighter, would it "stain" my lips and do the samething?" Because to be honest that IS what the product reminds me of...a hotpink highlighter. Overall, the "staying power," of this product is pretty awesome. It DOES start to flake (most noticeably) after eating, but it is not totally gone, like lipstick would be and you can save it/refresh it with a new coat of balm. I even had reminences of it still on my lips that evening at 9:45 pm (after having tacos for dinner). And it does give a great "glow" or as the product suggests a "just bitten" look. The only real downside I see to this product is that it WILL dry out your lips.
Just as an FYI. Last week, via Facebook I asked about the Sally Hansen product: Salon Effects. I am going on to day 8 of wearing them and I think I MAY be hooked (the product says it should last 10 days)! Just to get your nails painted at a nail salon rangings around $8-$10...JUST PAINTED NAILS. (I am not talking about a manicure or acrylics.) These are $8.50 at the store and SOOOOOOOO MUCH fun! I have had countless number of compliments on them (from total strangers). Adam just shakes his head when anyone notices them, haha.

Day 8: still going strong :)

Are there any products that you are curious about? If so, what are they???

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