Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tie Dye Cupcakes :)


I have seen these funky fun cupcakes on facebook and other blogs. I am a sucker for anything with bright colors so, I wanted to give a hand at making these myself.

-I started with 1 box of white cake mix. (follow mixing directions on the back of the box)

-I divided the batter into 4 small bowls. And then I added a different food color to each bowl. I used neon food color because I read somewhere that its bright colors work best.

-Add a spoon full of each color (layering them) in the cupcake tins

-Bake at 350 for 18min and walla! Tie Dye cupcakes...pretty easy huh?

-OH! and of course add your icing of choice! In honor of the Cherry Blossom Festival starting this weekend I chose pink strawberry icing. yummmmmy


  1. This is super cute Lauren!! I'm all into making mini-cupcakes these days...I may have to make some green ones for St. Patty's! Thanks for posting this :) You are too cute, miss you

  2. I saw your post and just loved it! I can't believe I haven't seen this idea before. Too cute! My son's birthday is today and I made cupcakes for his daycare. I just had to make tie dye cupcakes for him and I brought the rest to work. Everybody has loved them. Thanks for sharing!
