Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What I Wore Wednesday---First One

So "What I Wore Wednesday" was started by Lindsey at the pleated poppy (and I saw it on another fellow bloggers blog) as a way for stay at home moms to be motivated to get out of their PJ's... even though i work Monday-Friday and staying in my pjs is most certainly not an option, I thought it would be fun to participate. This week I have recruited my fellow coworker to participate with me!!! So let's get started...OH! And let me go ahead and say, Yes I am wearing jeans today (I know, I know, I total no-no at work BUT you know what they say, "When the boss is away the employees will play.") So needless to say the boss lady is out of town and I decided to be a rebel (and comfy) on this rainy Wednesday, so shoot me!

Ruffle Top- New York & Company
Cardigan- GAP
Trouser Jeans- Target
Shoes- Target
Jewelry- Victoria's Secret (I think), Watch- Betsy Johnson
I just LOVE these super cute flats from Target that I found on  Lori's, "What I Wore Wednesday."

Suit- Worthington
Ruffle Top- New York & Company
Heels- Nine West
 You'll probably see lots of cardigans in my "What I Wore Wednesday's" I wear them all the time! It's an easy way to dress something up or down and to keep you warm since you can never predict this crazy GA weather!

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