Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A few of MY favorite things

These are a few of my FAVORITE things...
I just wanted to share a few of my favorite things with you. I know that I am no Oprah so you will not find iPads, cars, refrigerators or whatever else she gives away on her "Favorite Things" show on MY favorites list. I think that each one of my "favorite things" tells a little bit about who I am and my personality.  
I basically have no tread left!

I wanted to start my list with my FAVORITE pair of shoes EVER. I love love LOVE my Crocs. GASP! Yes, that is right you read it correctly...Crocs. No, they are not the original big, chuncky, holey shoes that sky rocketed the company into fame. I've had my leopard crocs for 3 years and it goes without saying that I desperatly need a new pair but I cannot seem to part with these. TRUST me BEST. SHOES. EVER!

In the photo to the left are my crocs...check out how worn they are especially around the big toe :) haha

For anyone that really knows me you know that I have food allergies. Typically when people think of allergies they think of throats swelling shut or hives breaking out...well, my lips swell, crack, bleed and do all sorts of crazy uncomfortable things; thus starting my obession with chapstick but not ANY chapstick. It has to be Blistex! Not that waxy junk. For chapstick lovers Blistex is where it is at.

Last for this list of MY favorite things...I LOVE my Oconee County Warriors sweatshirt. I've had this thing since middle school (well over 10 years) and if it's too big for me now I know it was too big for me then (guess I was going through a baggie clothes stage).  As silly as it is this sweatshirt brings me a lot of comfort (with all of its stains and holes). I can take it with me anywhere and it feels like I am wearing a little piece of home :)  Which, is a good thing considering we have NO IDEA where we will end up moving. But I do know I will ALWAYS be a Warrior at heart no matter where we go :)

Happy girls are the PRETTIEST girls :)

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