keeping up with Kinney

keeping up with Kinney

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


So, Easter has come and gone. This was mine and Adams first holiday as a true legit almost married couple. Adam and I have expressed our concern to each other over splitting up holiday time between our families. We both have holiday traditions that we know we may not be able to continue to be a part of 100% of the time. We want to find that fair perfect balance between families. I NEVER EVER want either family to feel that one is favored over another.

In the past if I had a family event at the same time as Adam we would go our separate ways (he to his family and me to mine) after all we weren't married. Adams profession adds a new and maybe difficult twist to our situation. The news business has no holidays. So he will be working a lot of Christmas' and Thanksgiving's. Which could work in our favor since we will not have to go anywhere or pick between families...of course I would not leave him so we would both stay in Macon (or wherever we may be in the future). And I am sure things will get more complicated when we through children into the mix (which is in the far far future).

I've talked about this with some married girlfriends and they assured me there is no easy way to do it. That almost all the time a family will feel it is not getting enough time. This stresses me WAY out! I do not want it to be that way. However, time worked in our favor this Easter and it was smooth sailing. It does help that my mom is an only child so I only have to really worry about my Daddy's side.

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