Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Just Life...that's all

So as many of you know I RAVED about the Cherry Blossom Festival for almost a full month. I went to the think pink kick off and had the cherry blossom's painted on my car window, I picked out pink outfits for everyday of the Cherry Blossom Festival, and I had written down in about ten different places alllllllllllllll the things I wanted to do the week of CBF. Can I just tell you I AM OVER PINK!!! I have had my share of pink until next years festivities. I actually do not understand the whole "pink" thing anyways....the cherry blossom's are white. Overall it was a great experience the Diamond Ball was BY FAR my FAVORITE thing we did. We will be going back next year (hopefully with our friends Deana and Brian). Adam and I shut the place down! We looooooove to dance and have a good time and we most certainly did!

We attended A LOT of the festivities, we went on the rides in the park, attended some nightly concerts, lawn mower races, CBF parade, pink pancake breakfast, pet fashion show, ribbon cutting ceremonies, free ice cream in the park....we tried to do it all.

This past weekend we had our engagement photos!!! Adam has known about our engagement session for about a month, but the morning of our photo session he gets up and says he does not have any pants that are long enough to wear with his boots (that he wants to wear) So we spent a good 3 hours Saturday morning stressing that he would not find a perfect pair of khaki pants. Apparently Adam is a VERY common pant size so no where we went had what he needed. We eventually lucked out at GAP.

After we left GAP we were headed towards his car to head back home to clean up his apartment for our guest (the photographer and his wife) when Adam looked at me and said "Do you want to look at wedding bands for me before we head back?" I was sooooooo excited! Now let me tell you something, IT WAS SO WEIRD to see that band on his left ring finger...I can't even explain how odd it was...but it was a good feeling weird...just another step closer for us.

At 4:30 that evening our photographer from Athens Mr. Barry Mobley and his wife, showed up. We had a wonderful time with both of them. The comfort that they give us is indescribable.
Sunday we spent our time FINALLY registering for wedding gifts! It was a lot more fun (less of a chore) than I expected! However, the one thing we wanted to accomplish that day we had no luck. We wanted to pick out a china pattern, but we're still looking for the right one for us! BUT I love love love love love love love love my casual everyday "china" ahhhhh I cannot WAIT to get it!!! and I love our silver ware as well. I found it a little bit difficult to pick out "home" stuff when we do not know where we will be living. We are starting this week to look for our home together. So, hopefully I will be adding to our registry soon.

Oh and PS- Do not register at Bed Bath and it online.

Monday Adam had an EMC presentation about Media Relations in Savannah GA. He wanted some company so I was conveniently sick on Monday :) We had a ball!!! We left Macon at 11 and arrived in Savannah around 2 (his presentation was at 3:50) Every time I visit that town I fall more and more in love. The beautiful buildings, deep history, funky locals, the amazing tree's I LOVE it all. The sun was shining and the it was warm. I would LOVE for us to live there. Tybee is a 15minute drive. I could spend my weekends soaking up the rays on the beach. Everything about Monday was perfect. Adam absolutely ROCKED his presentation. I have known him for A LONG time. It is hard for him to REALLY impress me. He encountered technical difficulties and made the BEST out of everything. I would have been ticked and TOTALLY thrown off if I had been him. HE REALLY WAS GOOD!!! He even gave out personal shout outs...he talked about me and his mom's farmville addiction. Haha...he had everyone laughing.

After the presentation we walked along Riverstreet (we have been in all of those stores a MILLION times) Once we visited every local store again we decided to go to Tybee, walk on the beach and watch the sunset. It was a sweet evening and a nice end to a beautiful day. The sky was an amazing pink, purple, and blue painting. We did not leave Savannah until around 8-8:30 we just sat and watched the ocean crash and the sky turn velvet. I love that place (Savannah). We both contemplated calling in sick for Tuesday, but we eventually got up and made our drive back home to Macon.

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