keeping up with Kinney

keeping up with Kinney

Monday, March 15, 2010

I have found MY wedding dress!!!

Purchasing a wedding dress is a very big check mark for every Bride. Finding the right wedding dress can be hard and time consuming or it can be a breeze; the experience can really vary from one end of the spectrum to the other and I was mentally prepared for whatever may be thrown my way. A lot of women say that once they found that dress they knew it right away...I did not know how I felt about that statement, only because I can be VERY indecisive. Many girls dream of the day that they will shop for THEIR wedding dress (I was in the that category) My Mama told me after I got engaged, that from the moment she found out she was having a baby girl (me) she dreamed of the day that SHE would take me shopping for my wedding dress. She knew then (1986) how special that day would be.

I know that some girls go to bridal salon's and try on wedding dresses for fun, but I never did that. I did not want to "taint" my wedding dress experience. I knew that I wanted my first time trying on wedding dresses to almost be a reality check of "OMG i AM REALLY getting married. REALLY!"

I was a bridesmaid in a wedding recently and I remember going bridesmaid dress shopping with the bride and other bridesmaids and one of the bridesmaids was looking for her OWN wedding dress (she wasn't even married). I cannot remember, but I think she may have actually tried a wedding dress on. I remember thinking that was SO rude and kind of took away from the ACTUAL bride.

I also wanted to walk in to the salon's and boutiques with an open mind. I did do some browsing online when I was bored, but I have not actually actively looked for a wedding dress. I did not want to know what was already out there. I wanted to give every dress a chance. I wanted the women that worked at the salon's to know that I was willing and open to everything "give me your best shot." The main thing that I told every sales lady was "I have a super short torso." (which I's almost freakish)

My Mama and I set out EARLY Saturday March 13, on our hunt for MY dress. I honestly did not think that I would be coming home that day with a dress (or ordering a dress, that's what we did). Maybe a few options or styles that I liked but not the actual dress.

The VERY first dress I put on I loved. I tried on a few other options that ranged from maybe, okay, and hell no. Then I went back to the dressing room and put back on the very first dress. The sales lady was standing there with a veil in her hand waiting on me. When she put that veil on my head my mom and I both had tears streaming down our faces. It makes it SUCH a reality.

We had other appointments at other bridal boutiques so we headed out on our way. At the next store I tried on other dresses that again ranged from possibilities to hell no. This boutique also had the very first dress that I tried on at the other store. I slipped it back on and we cried again. It just felt right. It felt like I could walk down the aisle to my future husband and feel pretty in front of everyone, but then again I can be fun and break it down on the dance floor.

We headed out of that store and made our way to others...the same thing kept happening over and over. I would try on others, but I just did not feel the sense of comfort that that was the dress. So I tried on the very first dress two other times, we didn't cry anymore, we just knew it was the one.

The entire day was a wonderful experience. My Mama was so helpful and never once did I feel like I was on the edge (teetering between, well is this the one or not). She confirmed everything I was feeling without me asking.

So what does my dress look like?

You can ask me ANY question about my wedding:

What are the wedding colors?
Who is the band playing?
Where is the wedding?
Who are the bridesmaids/groomsmen?
Where are you going on your honeymoon?
Who is catering?
But the one question that you will not get an answer too is, "What does your wedding dress look like?" the only people that will know the answer to that question until October 23, 2010 is me, my daddy, and my mama :)

1 comment:

  1. that is so cute! i saw your fb status, im glad you blogged about it! and im also glad you are keeping it a secret from everyone else! so much more exciting!
